Thursday, September 23, 2004

Another day....

I survived Monday and Tuesday as the stay-at-home Dad. Barely.

My wife loves it when I get to do things that help me appreciate the job that she does every day with the little ankle-biters.

I am currently fighting off a little cold. I am hoping that this thing will leave or at least begin the leaving process before this weekends Duck Opener. I am looking forward to getting out there again this season. I went to the range last night to shoot some skeet and I was once again reminded why I always receive an invitation to go hunting. I CAN'T SHOOT. I get invited because my limit is one more that everyone else will get to help fill. I wanted to go through at least 2 rounds last night, but I gave up that idea after going 3/25 in the first round. This bothers me. In the military, I never had any problems qualifying. I think that the difference is that the M-16 has an adjustable sight. Basically, you don't need to shoot straight - you just need to shoot consistent. You can adjust the sights according to your crappy aim. Also, there are no moving targets there. Where as here I was shooting at a orange disc that looked to the size of a freaking bottle cap. I was proud though, as my boys sat on the benches chearing for me the whole time. Nobody else had their own cheering section.

My wife started a new job this week. She is doing data entry for a local company that provides rebates. She will drive to meet a truck a few miles away at around 1:00 each day to get work for the day and to turn in the completed work from the previous day. It will get her about 4 hours of work each day. The nice part about this job is that I can help with it as well. Since payment is based off of "pieces completed", it makes no difference who actually keys the info. This will by no means allow me to purchase the Vikings, who appear to be in the market for a new owner, but it will allow us to possibly stay in our house a little while longer. I still feel bad for her though, as I still see that this is not utilizing all of her potential.

This Sunday (9/26) will be the kick-off for our 40 Days of Purpose. We will begin reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and hosting a weekly study group at our house. Beginning that Sunday, my postings will contain mostly my thoughts and discussions from the readings for that day. Feel free to grab a copy and join in.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Mr. Mom

Here we are...Day 2 of me at home with the boys. Tanya is going to be starting a new job and needed to attend 2 days of training before she could start. Since this job will be one that she will be able to do from home, it was going to be tough to do OJT ;).

Yesterday went well. We decided to make chili for dinner. We needed a couple of things so we went to the grocery store and decided that we would make Mama a cake to show her how much we loved her. My little guys are very friendly with other people. Almost to that point where you worry about their safety. Since it was around noon on a weekday, there were plenty of elderly people shopping as well. When we cross paths with people in the aisles, my youngest would ask them, "What's your name?". Once they respond, he quickly fires back with, "What's your favorite color?". It is quite cute to watch him interact with other people. Too bad this is the extent of his questions. He will then go into a ramble about who he is and what his favorite colors are. This encrypted dialogue will generally cause the person he is talking to to then look at me for a translation. They pat him on the head and go on their way.

The cake turned out great, the chili was even better. We enjoyed our chili as we watched the Twins clinch the Division and the Vikings get beat by Philadelphia. It was a nice end to a long day. Only one more to go :)